PSD Summer Scholarship 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Werewolf Project

The Werewolf Project

The Werewolf Project is an online PHP application (game) created by "The Howlers" (Eyal Gross, Allan Jones, and Joost Funke Kupper). The game is based on lies and strategically plan who you are going to be friends with and who your enemies are.
The game is forum based, meaning you have to discuss and read the forum to stay on-top of the game.
The game starts of in a small village somewhere in eastern Europe. Your village is being terrorist by werewolves. As good citizens you try to kill the werewolves before they eat all of you. But the werewolves also live among you. So, the question is. Are your friends the enemy or not?

With this application you are able to:
  • register
  • login/logout
  • create new games
  • join the games
  • reply upon posts
  • vote for people who you want to kill
  • upload avatars
  • search the webpage
These are the main features that we had to work on. Also we had to create a solid database that can still be extended if we create new versions.
But before we could start creating the applications our first milestone were a couple (by which I mean 4) spikes to get us up to scratch on how to use PHP and MySQL. We have learned PHP before in Internet Technologies, but it was very very minimal, and MySQL in Database Analysis, and Design, but never how to use MySQL over command line or with PHP. So that was our first week.
If you want to have a look at our spikes you can go to our Scholarship groups website.

Our second week was preparing the application. The Planning and Design stage. This took a long time, just because we had to plan out the entire (or most of the) application. This also includes delegation of who is doing what and when.

Here is an image of the first initial database that we designed. It's a bit messy, but most of what we needed was one there. We made some alternations the more we worked on it, but this version worked fairly well.

After we had delegated all the tasks we started creating the basic pages that we needed. We decided (from some help of Clinton) that we were going to include php files into one index file. This way you are able to easily extend on it.

Ones we figured out how to use all the different php files to create a single page, it became very easy to build the different functionalities without having to write an entire new page. Pretty cool. So much more efficient.

After two weeks (3 days a week, so 6 days. WHO THINKS OF SUCH A TIME SCHEDULE!!) of coding we ended up with the product you see on the right. We didnt complete it, but we were very very close. The only thing that needed to be done, is when you join a game that you get the right role assigned to you, and fix up some small bugs like error checking and fixing the style sheet. And that would have been it. But we will complete it, no matter what, it's just to awesome, and we are way to dedicated :)


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